her husband was giddy when he met you. it took 5 minutes to ask "do you want to fuck my wife in the ass?" how could you resist?
she wanted to get back at her husband. he was always jealous of the hot guy next door. when she knocked on your door, you didn't say no.
it was taking forever to kick in. the guys went for a beer run. they tripped balls in the park, their girlfriends sucked balls in the garage
enough cock for two mouths
she likes playing innocent. blushing every time someone mentions sex. but on her knees in front of you, she's a desperate cockslut.
your cuck tenant decided to pay rent with his girlfriends body. he thought he could set boundaries. you broke every one of them.
you put your spare rooms on airbnb. women who stand out are "upgraded" to the "pink room". these two whores earned a few extra nights.